Good and healthy eating habits are a healthy way to lose weight and reduce belly fat, this method must be practiced regularly.


We often notice that many people complain about the bodies of women and men with their fat bodies and distended stomachs. As for the factors that affect a distended stomach, usually most people work in offices.

First is the dinner factor that becomes a habit, the purpose of dinner is eating after 11 pm.

Second, the factor of liking to eat snacks and eating too much which affects weight will increase.

Third, it is clear that drinking a little water and regular exercise can increase body weight.

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Here is what affects reducing your super distended stomach:

1. Sports, not all sports to shrink the stomach except for futsal or soccer because the game uses a strong physique and energy and all members of the body move.

Regular Exercise

2. Diet, eating patterns must be regular, try to eat a little carbohydrate dinner, eat more fruit.

Regular Diet

3. You must take a morning bath, because the dawn bath can relieve stress and depression, become more youthful and reduce weight.

Shower Every Morning

Hopefully useful, good luck

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